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Baubles and Ruffles-ribbon ruffle video

Baubles and Ruffles-ribbon ruffle video

Last week’s Bauble kit launch was a pleasure. I find these pieces very enjoyable to make, and I hope you will too. Holiday ornaments, gifts, package tie ons, tassels, there are many ways to put these pretty things to use. There are interesting materials coming in to the studio every day, and I will be releasing new kits at least every couple of weeks, at least into December.

Friday seems a good day for ‘drops’, giving me the following week to ship and make new samples. This is all very much done on the fly. There’s one hamster in this wheel, and it’s me!

I dyed up some silk ribbon and found that it makes perfect ruffles to add to the baubles. A simple running stitch to a yard of ribbon creates a very nice size. The new order of silk just arrived, so without further ado, here’s the ruffle tutorial, with bonus French Knot embroidery. I’ve got some making to do!

PS: That horrible meowling you hear in the video is this little monster. I know she sounds like she’s in dire straits, but that’s just her way of saying Good Morning (usually around 1pm).

Siamese cats, we learned after adopting her, are famous for their unique conversational skills!

“Meow AM smiling!”

“Meow AM smiling!”

Color + texture + luxury. It must be velvet!

Color + texture + luxury. It must be velvet!

Introducing Metallic Felt

Introducing Metallic Felt